Thursday, November 25, 2010

Strange Thanksgiving

Here in Buagyi, the governor came to town as a result of us being there. We helped to buy a bull for the slaughter and delivered our gifts to the governor, the commissioner of East Mundri and of West Mundri. The whole thing was televised and we all had a chance to speak. I must have done an amazing job because after I was done Darren said, "My name is Darren Davis and I echo what pastor Doug said." It was hilarious.
When the governor came, the killed the bull in the middle of the Mundri road and then the governor jumped over it. It was gross but cool.

All of us want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving and while you eat turkey, watch the parade and football. Please pray for us. Our turkey is a bull and I'm not sure what the honored part to eat is. Rocky Mountain Oysters anyone? Seriously I only want a ribeye!

From the mobile handheld of Doug Bartel


  1. I think you guys are having a much cooler Thanksgiving than we are. Cooking a frozen turkey seems pretty tame compared to the bull. Kind of tough to have that experience in a subdivision. Happy Thanksgiving. We miss you guys. Love you Deena.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Have a safe trip home!

    Annemarie and family :)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Brother :)
