Monday, November 22, 2010


The people came at about 11:00 and kept coming and coming and coming. We have been planning for 45 and we crammed 85 into the building with another 30 or more outside looking through the windows.

The language barrier is difficult and we have gone through two interpreters so far. Craig is having a hard time connecting to the group. Their understanding of spiritual things is limited and that is making it difficult as well. We are hoping that the second half goes much better.

We prayed for the feeding of the 100 since we only prepared for 45. As far as I can tell, it must have been a miracle!

From the mobile handheld of Doug Bartel


  1. "Their understanding of spiritual things is limited and that is making it difficult as well. " <--- Hum, so do these people have no "god"?
    Doug: I always considered belief in something supreme to be such a basic thing... built into our DNA. But since it sound like they have no beleif system and lack undersatanding of "spiritual things" I wonder if that makes evanglism easier or harder. Very interesting - can't wait to talk to you about this.
    Stay safe and yay on modern day loaves and fishes miracles. :)

  2. I love you Deena,i am praying for continued bowel health for you girl!!
